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The Nomadic Worship Leader: Top 5 Reasons Why “Creatives” Quit / How to Love Them and Keep Them challenges, affirms, and equips worship leaders and pastors who desire an authentic, lasting, mutually beneficial relationship.


Accurate statistics on the tenure of worship leaders are hard to find but the most popular church staffing website reveals that for every (1) senior pastor vacancy there are (3) worship leader vacancies with new ones becoming available every day. And that’s just one staffing site which also only represents churches that are financially capable of conducting a national search to fill the position.


A survey Shedrach Rowry conducted also revealed 70% of worship leaders either quit or consider quitting after only serving 3-5 years in a church. But why the high turnover rate? Although every scenario is unique, Shedrach sets out to share preventative principles that transcends ethnicity, culture, and denominational affiliation.

The Nomadic Worship Leader

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